
Saturday, September 29, 2012

Don't Feed Sivir -- Champion Spotlight Alternative

Don't Feed Sivir -- Champion Spotlight Alternative Video Clips. Duration : 12.33 Mins.

Check out to learn about my complete League of Legends book! Sivir is a seriously good champion. Once I got used to her spell shield and started using it well, I performed better w/ her (in terms of wins, kills, and team contribution) than I have with nearly any other champion. Very strong multi-target, pretty good poke, and very strong farm. Bump/Like/Follow to support the series: As those who watched the stream know, I went on a very long winning streak with her. Unfortunately I didn't FRAPs one of the games where I stacked bloodthirsters and had a few good moments, but if you're very interested in seeing some of my full Sivir games, you can find my all-Sivir stream here: Let's jump in to the build. Runes: Armor Pen for either Reds or Quintessences, Attack Damage for the other. Yellow Armor, blue Magic Resist. Masteries: 21/9/0 with Physical masteries in offensive and Armor/MR/Health in Defensive. Summoner Skills: Flash and Teleport/Exhaust/Heal/??. If you're going to get opportunities to hit undefended lanes, Teleport is excellent. Exhaust is always good, Heal is good especially if your support has Exhaust already. Skill Priority: R, Q, W, E, with your second skill being one point in E. Items: Sivir gets away with being more AD-centric than some ranged AD carries, but you'll still want attack speed. My general build was boots + 3 health pots, BF sword, then Bloodthirster OR zeal ...


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