
Saturday, October 20, 2012

Epic Battle Fantasy 3 Final Boss Akron [Epic Mode] [2/3]

Epic Battle Fantasy 3 Final Boss Akron [Epic Mode] [2/3] Tube. Duration : 14.70 Mins.

Final Boss Time! Part 2 INFO:This guy is a real challenge he have some many kinds of attack it all depend on what element he's changing so be sure to have almost ALL you equipment maxed here you'll need them! After a short time a big mouth monster will pop out under Akron and then you'll have to fight that strong thing and at the same time he spite a evil worm and his tail come out of the other side, he have a tons of deadly attack so be sure to keep buffing yourself when you can BACKUPS INFO: Rune Claw:The main backup of Akron everytime the big mouth monster go back in the ground the claws respawn, they have tons of annoying attack espacialy that beam wich is extremly powerfull and debuff you they have some other attack too but it depend on wich element Akron is Evil worm:Not really treat but kinda strong he does tons of poison attack and sometime attack with cannons and a big sword Evil tail:A big treat! The tail will do all sort of attack that hit multiple time,sometime he'll do a sort of INSTANT KILL attack so watch out! Cosmic monolith:A extreme treat! This one don't joke around you better have a tons of dark resistance when he do his explosive laser or esle you are dead! Dark Clay:Not a treat at all they just do a couple of physical attack and can doom you sometime.


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