
Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Topless Kate, 2 Massacres and an Initiation (Part 1-4)

Topless Kate, 2 Massacres and an Initiation (Part 1-4) Tube. Duration : 14.80 Mins.

Part 1 looks a number of anomalies which would suggest the whole dam thing was staged! Including William's Masonic handshake with Burlisconi, licensee of Closer Magazine. It is owned by Bauer, a family company set up in Germany in 1875, big coincidence Im sure, but Mayer Amschel Bauer set up the worlds most famous banking dynasty, also in Germany in the 1800's! He later changed the family name to Rothschild! You scratch the surface just a little with these people and you would not believe the can of worms that opens! Part 2 looks at the murders that occurred just up the road from where William and Kate were staying when the topless pics were taken. Saad al-Hilli, his wife and Mother-in-Law were shot execution style in the heads, a French Cyclist Sylvian Mollier was also shot dead. Saad's daughter Zeena survived unharmed as she hid under her Mothers skirt. His other daughter Zainab was pistol whipped,shot, and left for dead. The ex RAF man who came on the scene said the engine was running and he had to smash the drivers window to turn the engine how did 7 year old Zainab get out of the car? Also just 18 miles from where Kate and Wills were staying, the Drummond family met a similar fate as the Hilli's. Sir Jack Drummond, his wife Anne and 10 year old daughter ELIZABETH, also on a camping holiday, were all executed on the banks of the River Durance. Like the Hilli's, Elizabeth was found 77m from the car and the bodies of Jack and Anne, she also had been beaten ...


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