
Sunday, January 13, 2013

League of Legends: Ezreal Guide

League of Legends: Ezreal Guide Video Clips. Duration : 8.98 Mins.

Hey guys, Forbes here with a guide on how to play Ezreal. My build on Ezreal is based on physical damage stemming from his auto-attacks and Q ability, mystic shot. For masteries, I utilize the 21/0/9 for maximum dps picking up archaic knowledge to buff Ezreal's ult trueshot barrage and a point in utility mastery because of the importance in having the golem buff mid to late game. For runes, I stack armor penetration marks to improve your auto attacks and mystic shot damage, mana per level seals to supplement your need to spam mystic shot, cooldown reduction glyphs to spam your abilities faster and flat health quintessences because Ezreal is very squishy champion. Alright lets go to some gameplay footage, in this game I get the responsibility of the middle lane against ashe. I pick up mana crystal first to build into sheen early. I keep my distance from her until I catch her out of position in the open. I open with arcane shift to line up a clear mystic shot with ignite and exhaust unloading damage, however she escapes by flashing out of the essence flux that would of killed her. I finish off the creeps and retreat to recall back, when unsuspectingly Eve jumps me from behind. However because she has little to no health I am able to pretty much one shot her with mystic shot. Back in mid, I try to bait ashe out to get ganked by Udyr, when Eve makes a move again. I arcane shift to my tower as I get arrowed but because I am close to my turret and I am able to live the attack ...


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