
Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Don't Feed Draven - Champion Spotlight Alternative

Don't Feed Draven - Champion Spotlight Alternative Tube. Duration : 9.97 Mins.

Check out to learn about my complete League of Legends book! Mixed opinions on Draven. On the one hand, he is a *very* strong champion in terms of damage output, and he is often very fun to play. On the other hand, his performance is based on a semi-random minigame that can directly hinder him even if he's playing well (ie when chasing and the axe falls too short). So when I say I'm not totally in love with him, again w/ the caveat that I really do enjoy him at times, understand I'm not at all suggesting he's underpowered. RECOMMENDED BUILD I play him as a standard AD carry, and there's rarely going to be much deviation from this. Summoner Spells: Flash and Ignite/Exhaust/Heal/Teleport/Cleanse. Up to you on the second one. Runes: Flat AD or Armor Penetration reds/quints, AD or Armor yellows, Magic Resist blues. Skills: R, Q, W, E, pretty much always. One point in E early. ITEMS Berserker's unless you really need Merc Treads or Ninja Tabi to survive a team. Boots to start, early Doran is situational. Your first core item should be a BF Sword and Vampiric Scepter, along with tier 2 boots. Infinity Edge and Bloodthirster are *both* solid choices for first big items, with Zeal/Phantom Dancer being a good followup. Last Whisper against opponents building armor. Because Draven must be somewhat close to opponents and team fights, consider a survivability item. If they don't have much crowd control, Bloodthirster(s) may be good enough. If they do, consider ...


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