
Sunday, February 3, 2013

[/Jυѕт ѕσ уσυ кησω] ♡ Otani x Risa ♡

[/Jυѕт ѕσ уσυ кησω] ♡ Otani x Risa ♡ Tube. Duration : 1.60 Mins.

ɴoтe : Please watch this video in High Quality or it will look like hell, and you don't wan't that.. Do you? ^-^ + This is a RAW video witch mean with almost no effects... You no likey? Meh don't care! It's not like I'm gonna put a lot of useless effects to take of the real goal of this video witch is... Make people love LoveCom™!!! OHAYOU GOZAIMASU ~~ ❤ How are you guys? Me is doing okay =P Anyways here my brand new video. A video about Otani and Risa from LoveCom™ [Lovely Complex]. Witch is my very favorite anime + manga right now. 8D Okay, didn't worked so hard on this video but I'll sure make more in the future ^-^ How cool is that? LoveCom™ is a story about a tall school girl Risa [170 - 172 cm] and a short boy Otani [156 cm] who are desperately trying to find a boy/girlfriend. Unfornutly they didn't find anyone.. After a while Risa realises she is in love with Otani, her best friend. Otani know that she loves someone but doesn't know who and ... Just figure out the rest by watching it! 8D I'm cruel I know =P In a sort of way, this anime reminds me of me. Meh is uber tall just like Risa [We have the same Height, yeah I'm that tall T_T For a philipino it isn't normal T_T]. And somehow, everytime I'm falling in love the boy I love is always shorter than me... Oh well ^_^ Crystal ❤ Lovely Complex! 8D - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - The ☠ Bloody ☠ Valentine ☠ Productions ...


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