
Thursday, February 7, 2013

Let's Play Final Fantasy Tactics #51 - Human Chicken

Let's Play Final Fantasy Tactics #51 - Human Chicken Video Clips. Duration : 12.35 Mins.

In this episode, we begin our journey to Limberry Castle to rescue Alma and find more bounty hunters to slaughter. Shopping List 3 Kiku-ichimoji, 5 Flash Hats, Twist Headband, Power Sleeve, Black Costume, 2 Feather Mantles (Dorter) 2 Rune Blades, 2 Aegis Shields (Lesalia) Propositions Completed (Zarghidas) Himka Cliffs, The Lord's Ore Abilities Learned Ramza - Kiku-ichimoji, Masamune, Chirijiraden (Samurai) Ramza - Magic Attack Up (Wizard, via JP sharing) Ramza - Scream (Squire) Chrona - Two Swords (Ninja) Chrona - Speed Break, Mind Break (Knight) Mustadio - Speed Break, Mind Break (Knight) Otaku - Fire 4 (Wizard) Beowulf - Gained JP Up, Move+1, Break, Chicken (Temple Knight) Beowulf - Weapon Guard (Knight, via JP sharing) Orlandu - Gained JP Up, Move+1, Lightning Stab, Hellcry Punch (Holy Swordsman) Orlandu - Weapon Guard (Knight, via JP sharing) I also gave Chrona some time to work on Lancer to potentially learn some Jump abilities. You don't need most of this, but it's what I was doing. I'm just trying to mix it up a little. Recommended Classes & Abilities Ramza: Geomancer, Draw Out, Blade Grasp, Magic Attack Up, Move+2 Chrona: Ninja, Punch Art, Sunken State, Martial Arts, Move+3 Taku: Oracle, White Magic, Auto-Potion, Defense Up, Teleport Otaku: Wizard, Time Magic, Weapon Guard, Short Charge, Teleport Mustadio: Chemist, Snipe, Auto-Potion, Gained JP Up, Move-Find Item Agrias: Geomancer, Holy Sword, Weapon Guard, Attack Up, Move+1 Beowulf: Temple Knight, White Magic ...


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