
Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Nigel Farage: "Greece Sacrificed in Name of Preserving European Project"

Nigel Farage: "Greece Sacrificed in Name of Preserving European Project" Tube. Duration : 4.53 Mins.

02/16/2012 EU leaders are mulling a delay of the Greek bailout until the country votes in an April parliamentary election, Reuters reports. MEP Nigel Farage calls the option blackmail against Greece, which is being sacrificed to save the European integration. A meeting of EU finance ministers to discuss extra rescue loans for Greece was replaced by a teleconference on Wednesday. The Eurogroup said it is still waiting for Greece to come up with plans to save the €325 million (8 million) it demands before allowing more emergency funding. On Wednesday, eurozone leaders were examining ways of delaying parts -- if not all -- of the second bailout for the ailing Greek economy. The finance ministers are dissatisfied with a perceived lack of Greek commitment to stick to an austerity program following the upcoming general elections. This means the 130 billion-euro package, without which Athens may default on its debt as soon as next month, may be withheld till the country forms its new parliament in April. Reuters listed Germany, Finland and the Netherlands as the nations pressing to delay the package. Berlin had to refute allegations that it now views Athens' possible bankruptcy as acceptable. Greece already faces major loan repayments in March. But as general elections loom near, the EU has had to change its tactics, says MEP Nigel Farage. Now the bloc wants to ensure it will have enough money to fulfill short term demands. "What the EU is now doing is trying to influence the ...


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