
Monday, February 25, 2013

Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance "S" Rank (Perfect Playthrough)

Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance "S" Rank (Perfect Playthrough) Tube. Duration : 10.75 Mins. After playing through the Metal Gear Rising Revengeance demo included in the Zone of the Enders HD Collection, I played it again...and again, and again, AND AGAIN! I've already done an impressions article with a playthrough of both the tutorial and the main demo. Though being the Metal Gear/Platinum nut I am, that wasn't good enough. I wanted to show the world how amazing the game is when played right. I wanted perfection. So I did what any dedicated maniac with a sword does. I played through the entire demo honing my slicing and dicing skills until I beat every part with an "S" rank without so much as getting touched. So enjoy the sweet visual eye candy of polygonal death that is Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance! BTW: All cutscenes have been cut and some dialogue heavy parts as well to keep the video short and sweet because we're all here for the sweet killing.


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